Furniture Designers
Furniture Designers
Furniture Designers is involved in the design and creation of many different kinds of furniture. They design with sketchpads, computers, or a mixture of both. Furniture Designers is also involved in choosing the materials, colors, and woods, and metals, or plastics, used to make furniture items. Many Furniture Designers work closely with interior designers and architects as they prepare their designs.
Furniture Designers can work in either retail stores or department stores. Most of them begin their careers as art directors or art department managers. Furniture design trends keep changing on a yearly basis. Furniture design trends that were popular a few years ago may not be as popular today so Furniture Designers must keep up with current design trends.
In most cases, a Furniture Designer will go to school for several years to learn all of the different skills that they need to learn in order to become successful interior designers. Graduates of Furniture Design programs are then able to enter the job market armed with not only the knowledge of how to design furniture, but also know how to market the furniture that they design. Furniture Designers are also required to take and pass a number of tests to assure potential employers that they have the skills necessary to do their job.
Furniture Designers must get in contact with various manufacturers in order to come up with ideas for furniture pieces that will appeal to customers. A Furniture Designer must work closely with these manufacturers in order to come up with a range of furniture that the manufacturer will accept for production. If the manufacturer does not accept the furniture design ideas from Furniture Designers, the designer may not be able to proceed with developing a design. Furniture Designers can either work at the request of the manufacturer or independently, but most often work at the request of manufacturers.
There are many benefits to working with furniture companies including commissions and payment. Some companies offer commissions of 10 percent of the selling price of the product, while others will pay more depending on the success of the design. Payment methods vary among different companies, although most often designers receive their payment through check or cash. Furniture Designers can also gain valuable insight into what type of products are selling well and what type of products are not selling well, which allows Furniture Designers to better design the next product that they design. Most companies hire an in-house group of furniture designers or employ an outside group of designers to work on commission, paying them per project.
Furniture Designers is needed by manufacturers, interior designers, estate agents, retailers, and charity organizations for a variety of reasons. They help create and manage a space, help to design spaces and ensure that the rooms have functionality. They assist with budgeting and helping to develop plans and coordinating colors and furniture. They are needed in hospitals, airports, shopping malls, and restaurants. Furniture Designers is needed in schools, businesses, offices, hospitals, and any other place or location where people need to be helped.